Nutrition and Hydration Week

Nutrition and Hydration Week has taken place every March since 2012.
Its purpose is to bring people together to create energy, focus and fun in order to highlight and educate people on the value of food and drink in maintaining health and well being in health and social care.
Organisations from around the world and from all areas of health and social care take part and new organisations are welcome to join in the fun.
Nutrition and Hydration Week sets out a challenge to us as care providers to ensure we’re optimising opportunities to promote nutrition and hydration for all our residents.
From reviewing our policies, to signing up to the 10-step commitment to good nutrition, checking our MUST scores, food and fluid charts, gathering resident feedback, tasting sessions and good awareness raising, the week can be of real benefit to all.
Information about the week can be found on the Home’s activity boards and we’re hoping to get some of our food suppliers on board to sponsor some of the week’s activities.
In general the theme of the week goes:
Big Breakfast Monday ( the most important meal of the day)
Snacky Tuesday ( understanding the value of snacks between meals and at supper)
Wednesday – Afternoon Tea
Thirsty Thursday (try out some different cordials or spritzers)
Fruity Friday ( exotic or different types of melon )
Smoothie Saturday
Sundae Sunday.
We will use the feedback from the residents and incorporate this into our meal planning for our spring menus.
You can find out more information about Nutrition and Hydration week here.